Webinar: 2018 Proposed Home Health Payment Rule and the Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM)
Thursday, August 31, 2017, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM MST
Category: Webinar
OverviewThe 2018 Proposed Rule for Home Health will have a major impact on agencies, most significantly due to the new payment methodology introduced in this rule for 2019 Implementation: Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM) Under HHGM, the 60-day episode of care is replaced with a 30-day period of payment and patients are placed into one of 144 payment groups. The structure of determining the payment grouping is as follows: 1. Admission Source & Timing (Claims) 2. Clinical Grouping (Primary Diagnosis) 3. Functional Level (OASIS Items) 4. Comorbidity Adjustment (Secondary Diagnoses) Low Utilization Payment Adjustments (LUPA) will exist in the HHGM, but multiple ways to calculate versus the current standard. Join one of the nation’s leading experts on the complexities of home health payment for a 90 minute webinar on August 31, 2017 to review the proposed rule and to glean talking points as you develop your own comments to CMS on the Home Health Proposed Rule. Meet the SpeakerMelinda Gaboury is the CEO of Healthcare Provider Solutions, which provides financial, reimbursement, clinical and cost reporting services to the home care, hospice and rehabilitation therapy industries. Prior to the inception of Medicare PPS, she began researching, auditing and reviewing processes with OASIS, ICD-10 Coding and clinical documentation. She has developed and taught clinician and billing Medicare PPS trainings in a variety of venues. Register Here! |